Travelling in Bandung!

Travelling in Bandung

After knowing the three main points what to do in Jakarta which are the foods, sites and transportation in Jakarta. I am continuing my expedition to other city! so that tourists have much more background knowledge when they are travelling to the cities in Indonesia. First of all, Bandung is one of the busiest city in Indonesia, it is located in West Java and it has the population of 1,699,710 making it the highest population in West Java.

1. Foods

Surabi -Maknan Khas Bandung- yang enak kalau di campur dengan santanSerabi is one of the traditional food that is very popular in Bandung, it is almost the same as pancake. It is burned on the stove with a lot of dough and at the end buyers can choose their topping to create better appetite to eat serabi. The toppings are jackfruit, cheese, chocolate, banana, durian and sausage.
Makanan Khas Bandung yang bentuknya persegi panjang dan dipanggang -Kue Bandros-

Bandros, this traditional food is very delicious and the price of the food is very cheap! It is made from wheat flour mixed with coconut milk and it will be pressed on the stove like in the picture shown. After that, the seller will give grated coconut as the topping of the food.
Karedok -Makanan Khas Bandung-

Lastly, Karedok, it is a vegatable that is cooked with cucumber, bean sprouts, cabbage, green beans, basil leave and eggplant. This traditional food is served in every sundanese (West Java culture) restaurants. People will automatically buy this vegetables as their main dishes.

2. Sites

Looking for sunrise? Tebing Gunung Hawu will be the best place for tourists to see clearly sunrise in Bandung. Since you have already in the sites, it is good to relax for hours in a hammock while enjoying the nature. 

Indonesia - Java - Bandung - Saung Angklung Udjo

In Bandung,  you can try a traditional musical instrument which is Angklung. It is a musical instrument where you can just tap it and it will create one sound, it can be played when you have a lot of people with different angklung because they have various tones. You can try to visit Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, in this place, angklung is the main instruments and the musician will play various songs from different cultures in Indonesia! At the end of the event, people who watch the event will be given a chance to play angklung and it will be conducted by the owner of Saung Angklung Mang Udjo.

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Lastly, the place where children can learn about the geology of Indonesia is by going to Museum Geologi. In this place, there are many collections such as landform structures and prehistoric beings such as dinosaurs and rocks. It is good to know about the history of mankind so that we could know how the earth has been going before we were born!

3. Transportation

Since Bandung is a quite small city, the transportation in here is not much compared to other big cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta and Surabaya.
Image result for angkot


Angkot is a minivan that can contain 11 passengers plus 1 driver, its a very cheap transportation but they also have many pickpockets in Angkot as well.

The price of angkot is estimated to be : $ 0.3 dollars

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Taxi is also a good transportation to travel inside Bandung. However, it is more expensive than angkot but you will get a/c and sometimes TV too.

The price of Taxi is estimated to be: $ 0.65 dollars up to $ 2 dollars



Review by:

Zoza Nathaniel (44179189)


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