Snacks Snacks Snacks (Singapore Edition!)

As the world's most expensive cities to live in, Singapore does not fall short of the luxuries that are available in their home country. With many delicacies ranging from traditional Chinese eastern food to Eastern fusion mix with influences from the West.
Here are some of the deliciously finger-lickin snacks to not miss during your stay in Singapore.

For those who fancy small snacks during the day 

1. Fried Carrot Cake

Nup, this is definitely not your typical Western snack with ice cream, rainbow cotton candies and unicorn sprinkles. This traditional Singaporean snack also known as chay tow kway is one of the most popular snacks seen in every corner of the street. This savory dish has its origins in Southern China’s Chaoshan province, the chewy soft rice cakes are which made mainly with rice flour to get that chewy and savory flavor. Fish sauce and black sweetened soya sauce are used to marinate the rice cake before it is cut and fried with eggs, oysters and prawns.

Prices for one serving of fried carrot cake start from $4.50SGD

2. Dim Sum

One of the most popular snacks around Singapore is Dim Sum. These cute little dumplings are perfect for casual lunch out or even for formal dinner dates. There are many different dumpling types, the normal ones to order are siumay which is filled with a combination of pork or chicken. The more fancier ones are called xiao long bau which is pork dim sum filled with delicious rich pork broth, these dim sums are slightly pricier with prices due to the delicate ingredients used. For those who love vegetables and can't live without them, the har gau dim sum are filled with fresh traditional Chinese herbs and vegetables.

Prices for formal Dim Sum round-table start from $20SGD/person
Prices for individual serving  of Siu May start from $4SGD (1 serving = 4 siu may each)
Prices for individual serving of Xiao Long Bau start from $6SGD (1 serving = 3 xiao long bau each)
Prices for individual serving of Har Gau start from $3.5SGD (1 serving = 4 Har gau)

3. Kaya Toast & Soft Boiled Eggs

These snacks are much more westernized in Singapore, with Kaya Toast available anywhere at any cafe in Singapore. This Western delicacy is served with black or white coffee (with black coffee being a favorite in Singapore). The drinks can also be teh tarik if translated literally into English it means "pulled tea", this drink consists of black tea sweetened my condensed milk and can be served cold or hot. For children, many cafes also have Milo and is perfect to go with toast whether it is hot or cold.
This snack is perfect for breakfast or even for afternoon tea!

Prices for Kaya Toast (complete with black coffee) start from $4.5SGD

4. Ice Cream Wrapped in Bread

Ice cream wrapped in bread, sounds weird right? but for Singaporeans this is a popular snack enjoyed by children, teenagers and even adults. There are many ice cream carts around the city and every nook and cramped lanes. The ice cream are cut into perfectly rectangle boxes accompanied with white bread layer to hold the ice cream in place. Ice-cream is available in many flavors including bubble-gum and fairy floss!

Prices for one Ice cream Bread is $1.00SGD

Review By: 
Tirza Luwia (44631375) 


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