Travelling in Medan

Travelling in Medan


After knowing much about cities in Indonesia, let us move to different traditional cultures and languages. Why is it different? It is because this city is not located in Java island, but it is located on Sumatra island. Inside Sumatra island, there are also various of languages and cultures. Sumatra island itself has a total area of about 474,481 km2. Moreover, we are now discussing the most popular city for tourism which is Medan.

1. foods

Kue Putu Bambu

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Kue Putu Bambu is a traditional cake that can be found only in Medan. This cake is made from rice flour with green coloured acquired from pandan leaf. It is heated inside a bamboo and it is filled with palm sugar to make the cake sweet. In addition, this cake has to be served with another cake which is called Klepon. Klepon is similar to Kue Putu but with ball-shaped texture and it is made with sticky glutinous rice instead!


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This food is a very popular food but not most people would want to try this food. This food is actually made from dog meat. Most of the people who lived in Medan like to kill dogs because they want to eat it. In addition, eating a dog is some kind of a rule in their culture. Saksang is cooked with dog meat stewed with its blood, coconut milk and other spices. However, if you don't want to try dog's meat, some of the restaurants in Medan provide Saksang with pork meat. Moreover, it is best served with rice!

2. Sites


Image result for SipisopisoIf you want to have time to relax, looking at nature, Sipisopiso is a place that you want to deal with. Sipisopiso is a huge waterfall with a lot of mythical stories that attract more tourists to come to this place. However, I can guarantee you that this place is safe. Moreover, it is good to take a picture in here also!

Graha Maria Annai Velangkani

You might be confused whether this place is a Catholic church or Hindu's Temple. This place is actually made for a Catholic church, however, the saint in this church planned the texture of the church that is similar to Hindu's temple. It is because initially, the building was Hindu's temple but it was destroyed in the 17th century and it was reconstructed to become a church. So the saint created the church with the texture of Hindu's temple is devoted to Hindu's Goddess, Annai Velangkani.

3. Transportation

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Angkot is a minivan that can contain 11 passengers plus 1 driver, its a very cheap transportation but they also have many pickpockets in Angkot as well.

The price of angkot is estimated to be : $ 0.3 dollars

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Taxi is also a good transportation to travel inside Bandung. However, it is more expensive than angkot but you will get a/c and sometimes TV too.

The price of Taxi is estimated to be: $ 0.65 dollars up to $ 2 dollars

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Becak is one of the oldest transportation that has been used for about 69 years after the independence of Indonesia. It is pulled by a person on foot by pedaling.

The price of Becak is estimated to be: $ 1 dollar


Review by:

Zoza Nathaniel (44179189)


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