Travelling in Surakarta!



Surakarta is one of the city that located near Jogjakarta, if you have read my latest blog, you should know what and where Jogjakarta! Moreover, Surakarta has a lot of historical places and also lots of spots for tourism. However, Surakarta is a quite big city and it has administrative divisions which are Surakarta Municipality, Sukoharjo Regency, Klaten Regency, Boyolali Regency, Sragen Regency, Karanganyar Regency and Wonogiri Regency. In addition, the total area of Surakarta is about 5.750.49 km2.

1. Foods


Selat Solo ala Dapur Solo1
Selat is a traditional food made from Surakarta. This food has pretty similar ingredients to steak but with different serving. Selat uses soup to create the food delicious!. To make Selat, while using the same ingredients as steak, you just have to put a soup on it!

Sego Liwet/ Nasi Liwet

Nasi Liwet Solo.jpgNasi Liwet is also a famous traditional food in Surakarta, every tourist who travelled to Surakarta must have tried this food! Nasi liwet is a rice dish that is cooked with coconut milk, chicken broth and spices. Sometimes people use tofu and lastly, it is served with banana's leaf.

2. Sites

Image result for surakarta sites

Surakarta Hadiningrat Place

Surakarta Hadiningrat Place is a castle that was built in 18th century, before the independence of Indonesia in 1945, Surakarta was a kingdom. But today, it is used only for descendants of the kingdom. Tourists can enter this place every day except for important ceremony.

Image result for fort vastenburg Fort Vastenburg

Fort Vastenburg is a historical place that was built by the Dutch (Netherland invaded Indonesia). This place was constructed in 1743 and it was used for high officials that came around in Central Java. Moreover, now it is renovated and it is used for festivals and other ceremonies. 

3. Transportation

Since Jogjakarta is a quite small city, the transportation in here is not much compared to other big cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta and Surabaya.
Image result for angkot


Angkot is a minivan that can contain 11 passengers plus 1 driver, its a very cheap transportation but they also have many pickpockets in Angkot as well.

The price of angkot is estimated to be: $ 0.3 dollars

Related imageTaxi

Taxi is also a good transportation to travel inside Bandung. However, it is more expensive than angkot but you will get a/c and sometimes TV too.

The price of Taxi is estimated to be: $ 0.65 dollars up to $ 2 dollars

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Becak is one of the oldest transportation that has been used for about 69 years after the independence of Indonesia. It is pulled by a person on foot by pedaling the tricycle.

The price of Becak is estimated to be: $ 1 dollar


Zoza Nathaniel (44179189)


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